Report a Scam

Report a Fraud or Scam

If you have been a victim of fraud or scam you may use the form below or call us at 1-844-428-8542 to report your experience. It is important that if you are enrolled in Zelle® through your bank or credit union to report the transaction directly to your bank or credit union. 

A scam is when you knowingly send money but do not receive what you expected in return. For example, someone pretended to be another person or a business and tricked or persuaded you into sending the money or promised that you would receive something in return that they did not provide. Certain impostor scams qualify for reimbursement.

Fraud is when someone gained access to your bank account and made an unauthorized Zelle® payment. For example, someone gained access to your bank account without your permission and you never authorized or were involved in the transaction. Because these transactions are unauthorized, they typically qualify for reimbursement.

You may also report scams and identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission and the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Select a category that best describes the type of transaction to complete the form.

Please complete a separate form for each fraud or scam incident.

Did you authorize this payment?

If you knowingly sent someone money, but did not receive what was expected please select "Yes". If you did not approve the payment you are reporting please select "No".


Goods and Services:  Sending money to an individual or business to purchase goods that are not received or arrive not as described, or for services that are not provided. This can include fees which are not refunded when a consumer requests a refund for the item or service.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Property and Real-Estate:  Sending money to an individual or business for a deposit or payment on a property for sale, rent, vacation rental that they do not have the right to sell or rent.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Jobs:  Sending money to an individual or business for job counseling services or the promise of a job that requires fees for supplies, equipment or services, when the job does not exist.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Impostor:   An individual or business pretending to be a well-known business, law enforcement, local or government agency, financial institution or utility company requesting money. These scams include bail, IRS payments, locked store/service account, or utility disconnect scams.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Charity:  Individuals or businesses pretending to be a non-profit requesting donation for fund raisers, community events, natural disasters, or national crisis.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Investment:  Individual or business promising high return in a short period of time to persuade you to send money for a false investment.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Romance:   Requesting money under the guise of a romantic relationship. Including but not limited to, sending money for gifts or financial support in catfish for fake love interest situations.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Friends and Family:   An unknown individual pretending to be a well-known friend or direct family member and messaged requesting money; or an individual calling to request money on behalf of a well- known friend or direct family member.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Attempted Scam:   If you think that someone may have tried to scam you, but you did not complete the transaction due to suspicion, we still encourage you to submit detailed information about the incident to help us prevent others from being scammed in the future. Additionally, if you suspect someone attempted to scam you, you can also use this form to report the incident, regardless of how you are enrolled with Zelle®.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Fraud: If someone gained access to your bank account and made a payment with Zelle® without your permission, and you did not authorize the transaction.

Please use the below fields to provide the requested information so that we may best assist you. Do not include any additional personal information in the below text box.

Your Contact Information

Recipient Information

Payment Information

Your Payment ID will be available within your banking statement. It will be 12 digits, Alpha and Numeric. If your Payment ID is not listed in your banking statement and you are enrolled with a partner financial institution, their support team will be able to assist you with providing your Zelle® Payment ID. If you are enrolled with the Zelle® app our support team will be able to file your report and help you with your Payment ID.
Please use between 50 and 1000 characters to describe the scam.